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5 years and older are great ages for speech and language Teletherarpy based in Zurich
According to Gaertner et al, toddlers around 5 years of age have an attention span of 8-10 minutes. So, for our little ones around this age, we recommend sessions of around 25 minutes. This allows time for rapport building as well as targeting our speech and language goals.
Stopping at 25 minutes for our online speech sessions also ensures we maximize on productive learning time prior to fatigue and distraction setting in.
Is your little one a wiggly one? We use creative and engaging materials along with body or mind breaks if needed. Want to try one? What animal lives in Africa and hops? That's right! A kangaroo! Let's hop like a kangaroo and spell H O P!
Interested in knowing more about what we do in our online speech and language sessions?
Keep reading What is Teletherapy? to find out more.
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